Wine Bible

Bible doesn't promote wine, but neither does the Bible prohibit wine. After all,
John chapter 2 records Jesus making large
jars of wine for an already well-watered wedding party at Cana.
The Bible
also records the
Apostle Paul telling Timothy to drink a little wine:
"No longer drink only water, but use
a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities."
(1 Timothy 5:22)
The Bible does warn against getting drunk or drinking around people who are
struggling with alcohol, but otherwise you can drink wine, although you can
also not drink it.
Drinking expensive wine, however, is another matter.
Consider this: for $4, frontline
missionary groups can print and smuggle
2 Bibles into a nation that prohibits Bibles, and for every Bible
smuggled in, an average of 2 more people become Christians.
Chateau Lafite 1787 can no
longer be consumed but
Romanee-Conti can be. If the $24,000, 75cl bottle of
Romanee-Conti contains 24 sips,
that's $1,000 per sip, for which 500 Bibles could have been
smuggled in and led to 1,000 new Christians. Are your wines more in the $200 range? For $200,
100 Bibles
could have been smuggled in and 200 souls saved.
Wine is an acquired taste. The better wines you drink, the better wines you have to
drink. At first, $20 wines impress the taste buds just fine. But if you start to drink $100 wines, the $20 wines no
longer impress. It doesn't mean your taste buds are any happier but
just that you need to spend more money to keep them happy.
So why not just stay with the $20 bottle? Instead of
Chateau Cheval Blanc, buy
Chateau Neuf du Pape,
a perfectly fine red. And instead of
Romanee-Conti, drink
Sancerre or
which are perfectly fine dry whites. Instead of satisfying increasingly demanding taste buds, invest the
money to reaching tens, hundreds or even thousands of people.